Hi everyone - Thought I would drop by and give an update *******

Steve came home last Friday. They did remove the large trache and he had the smaller one inserted 36 hrs before we left. I was there when his Dr did it. They asked him to try and speak by plugging the hole - he did but just a loud noise came out. Then they capped it that night and 24 hrs right before we left they removed the trache all together. I was so happy he did not come home with. He still did not let dr's place the feeding tube in his stomach so he still has it through his nose. Even after at home and pulling on it a few times and hurting himself by accident he still will not consider getting it through the stomach.

Home has been interesting. The first day back he was alert and just trying to get comfortable. While I was trying to figure out all the meds they sent him home with - stool softener, laxatives, anti depressants, morphine and a sleep aid. He hardly slept the first two nights and either did I. I think the morphine makes him restless. He could not lay in bed for 5 minutes without getting up to groom himself, clean his trache site or just walk around. I asked him and he said he just felt restless. He takes the morphine 3-4 cc every 4 hrs to stay ahead of the pain. I have noticed other symptoms when he takes the morphine - jerks and twitches and drugged out look. Last night it was worse. He had forgotten when he gave himself the last dose - I write them all down and keep to the schedule unless he says he does not need it yet. Well I had to go shopping and he must of took another dose while I was gone. He could not remember when. He finally fell asleep -sitting up on the sofa - he cannot sleep laying down he just coughs like crazy. Still he coughs a lot and has some discharge from the trache. Well all this morning he was still very disoriented and it took him long periods of time to put a thought together then write it down. He slowly came out of it. He is on boost plus and is supposed to take 7 a day. I was lucky to get in 6 yesterday. Before the morphine insolent I could see he was feeling better. I can understand him more and he was speaking more. It is hard but clearer then even the day he got home. I repeat what he says so he knows I heard and understood him. Today it was a bit worse but I think the morphine was part of it. Hopeing this is a good sign that I can though hard at times understand him this soon. It is better if I remind him to hold his hand over his trache site and take s deep breath before talking. Any other suggestions?

Yesterday he was brushing his teeth and notices s stitch around the base of one of his tooth and it appears to be attached to his tongue. Is this normal. His reaction was - look Dr Otto must have done this to keep my tongue down so I do not bite or hurt it while the flap heals! Maybe that means once it does I will talk again ? I said maybe we will ask her but you are already talking and it seems to be getting better already and with therapy and work I know it will keep getting better.

His spirits seem a lot better too. But that also could be the drugs. lol.
There are sparks of him and his usual personality so I will take that for now. Anyways sorry to be so long winded but it had been awhile. We go back to Moffitt on Friday for a checkup with his surgical team. Bye for now - Danielle

Loving Caregiver for my boyfriend

3/14 SCC L tongue, partial glossectomy L tongue, rads L nodes
12/14 Recur Stage III
2/15 Front of tongue glossectomy, ND w/ free flap
4/15 begin 8 wks rads/3x chemo
4/20/15 Steve passed away