[quote=Alpaca]If the hospital could put you in contact with another youngish man who has gone through the same thing, that might help. For all the love you and his mum are giving him, you can't show him what it looks like a year or so down the track.[/quote]Danielle,

That's some great advice there from Alpaca. That's exactly what happened to me after my laryngectomy. I couldn't speak anymore. The only way I could communicate was by writing or trying to use sign language. I was mad, upset, scared, depressed. I thought I would never be able to talk again.

Then one day a man who had the same disease and operation visited me while I was laying in my hospital bed feeling sorry for myself. His voice was completely clear and understandable, he could speak and pronounce his words very well. All of a sudden I had hope. My entire mood changed. I looked at that guy and said, "I can be like that. I can speak again."

And of course I did. I have even done public speaking on quite a few occasions.

Please ask the doctors, nurses and speech therapists at the hospital if they know anyone with a history similar to your boyfriend that could come to visit him. I'll bet it would make all the difference in the world in his mood and attitude.

Best wishes and good luck. Hoping for the best for both of you.

Last edited by poiuyt; 02-24-2015 11:25 PM.

4x survivor
1998 - SCC of larynx
...laryngectomy, tracheotomy, radiation, caries, HBO, teeth extr, TEP
2002 - lung cancer, wedge resection
2014 - SCC of BOT, pharynx, oropharynx, HPV-, stage IV, T2N0MX, invasive, poorly differentiated
...chemo (carboplatin, taxol), dc'd due to neuropathy
2015 - SCC of palate
...Feb-April IMRT (46 x 70 Gy)
...Jan 2015 - May 2016 cetuximab 500 mg q week x 55wks
2016 - metastases to mediastinum, lungs, spleen, pancreas
...Aug-? pembrolizumab q 3 wks