Larry came to the second week of rads,, he was off yesterday for Memorial Day !! He's set for second chemo on June 5th we're wondering if we can ask if the chemo dossage can be less than what he had the first time ..
The first time really made him sick he was very nausea at his stomach also do they have a med out their that helps save the saliva glands? I've heard they do have but not sure on this!
My husband is still able to eat he is now saying the food taste bad as we' we're told this in the begining ....
He also has the peg but hasn't had to use it yet
I pray he don't !!! Thanks for all the information from everyone

Larry ... Rt tonsil / SCC.. HPV16 positive RT oropharynx tonsil) lymph nodes were 13mm left level 2 node / 16mm right level 2 node /12mm right level one node... pet scan was good except tonsil & nodes,, just got peg placed still able to eat/swallow undergoing rads) and chemo. ) 70gy rads..
2chemo.finished rads July 8/2014 CT Scan clear on 8/12 pet scan October-2014-Clear/ left ear tube placement 12-15-2014