Thanks Paul yes we will use the peg if needed I'still have faith that he will be able to eat trough the treatments and after...
If he gets to the point of the throat being to sore or from the mouth being sore we will use the peg for sure that's why he chose to get it placed just in case .... Today went good at rads Larry got to speak with the RO and he looked at the tonsil and said it was responding to the rads and he was very happy with what he saw we were glad to hear those words!!! We also mentioned is their any meds out their to help prevent total salvia loss.... And he answered yes but it's nothing that would help because the radiation is too close to the salvia glands so it would not change things .. One question I didn't ask was when my husband would receive another ct or X-ray that could tell if his mask that was made before rads needed adjusted for the rads to be right on target cause if the tumor is shrinking and responding to the rads shouldn't the spot not needing rads need to be relived .. It's a lot to remember.. Up till today I was bringing my note pad journal to write things I had ?'s about in .. Forgot that today too just a little foggy))
Today I also talked with a lady She and her Husbabd are staying at a lodge provided to patients and their families!! She told me lots about it I told her that sounds like a nice place but I also had already read up on this lodge it saves families the long road trip and saves on gas need not reminded how much it is... (you're provided with a room that's very nice the lady said with very nice attendants their only thing no one under 18 so our children could not stay and we're trying to keep it as normal as possible for them ,, (and make the hour and half drive
From the chemo " he still is nauseated hope this will end soon:

Larry ... Rt tonsil / SCC.. HPV16 positive RT oropharynx tonsil) lymph nodes were 13mm left level 2 node / 16mm right level 2 node /12mm right level one node... pet scan was good except tonsil & nodes,, just got peg placed still able to eat/swallow undergoing rads) and chemo. ) 70gy rads..
2chemo.finished rads July 8/2014 CT Scan clear on 8/12 pet scan October-2014-Clear/ left ear tube placement 12-15-2014