That's true I think she wanted my husband to see if he would be able to tolerate the formula in case he came to that point where he would need the peg for calories but really she should have said it that way it was like she wanted him to take formula more than doing the intake on his own I got really frustrated on that subject .. He into week four so I'm hoping for him that he will continue to swallow by mouth if he needs the peg then it's their and yes I have been putting water trough the peg , keeping it flushed everyday since he had but one day and that's when he first got it we left the hospital with out talking to the the dr that placed the peg cause we had been their so long from a delay they had and the dr was still in the operating room .. The nurse said it may be awhile before he will discuss the care for the peg they we're so busy she didn't have time to tell us but seem very nice so I came home and got my info from here very thankful for this site and all the caring people on here that takes their time out to reply to the post!!!

Larry ... Rt tonsil / SCC.. HPV16 positive RT oropharynx tonsil) lymph nodes were 13mm left level 2 node / 16mm right level 2 node /12mm right level one node... pet scan was good except tonsil & nodes,, just got peg placed still able to eat/swallow undergoing rads) and chemo. ) 70gy rads..
2chemo.finished rads July 8/2014 CT Scan clear on 8/12 pet scan October-2014-Clear/ left ear tube placement 12-15-2014