Yesterday a received an email from my ENT asking if I could come in later that day at 2:50. to go over my case. On the ride over to the office I was wondering what news he had for me. I was I bit concerned because the last time that he contacted me for an appointment, Rather than his staff, it was to tell me that the tonsil biopsy had come back SCC+. He started off with the usual, how is that throat feeling? How is your swallow. Things of that nature. Then he started explaining the three arms of treatment. I hadn't heard that before but kind of knew what he was must have been talking about. As he went on It seemed I was correct in my assumption. He and my MO had taken my case to Kaisers tumor board. My whole team was in attendance the day of the board meting. Along with other prominent Doctors and specialists. And they were talking about options from These three arms of treatment. Not in such brash words he explains that the board had agreed that any further radiation was out of the question due to the fact that the risks far outweighed any benefits. So that arm is no longer an option. Arm number two, surgery was not going to be done because 30 of 33 nodes where found+ (the most he had seen in his entire practice) and he explained to me that the cancer was no longer encapsulated in the nodes and that the entire neck, muscles, fibrotic or otherwise were seasoned with microscopic cancer and that he couldn't leave me without a neck. Treatment arm number 2 gone. And as far as Mo they could look at Erbitux again to buy some time. So he told me that the cancer was incurable. But would do their best providing palative care. HIV played a big role in this fast progression. so im going to go with the Erbitux and whatever else my body can handle MO wise. Shawn U.

. Radio/Erbitex:(35/6.) .6/13 RSSC with left neck.9/11/13 MND with left tonsil removal.9/18/13 margins failed, .Dx Terminal. 10/22/13 Dx.StageIII Lymphedema. Carboplatin/Taxol, cancer progression,WECF
3/14/2014 given 2 weeks, 3 maybe. All the veins in my head are slowly leakinging due to Ehlers Danlos syndrome. lucky thing is that my spinal fluid leaking out my nose is slowing the build up of pressure in my huge, huge head. you would not believe.