My dad (colon cancer survivor) gave me some advice after my diagnosis:

When I was at MDA, there were two groups of people. One group curled up in a ball with their blanket under their chin. Sometimes they sleep. Sometimes they cry. The other group paced the floor. Sometimes they spit. Sometimes they cuss. They were pissed. The pissed off people all left before the other group.

I took it to heart as best I could and it served me well. OC will beat you down and keep you there if you let it. Based on your post, cancer doesn't stand a chance.

Dx March 2011 via FNA (49 yrs old)
HPV+ exact strain unknown
Stage IVa T3N2cM0
Cisplatin x 3, IMRT x 40 (7267 cGy)
One node removed post-treatment (rad dmg)
Clean PET 10/28/11
Swallow therapy