Well said paul, you want to know I trick? When I feel like this is going to be too much for me to take. I think of you and the shit you've been throgh and still manage to show up with paper and pen. (prepared to help others). And I feel the fight in me rise again. So thank you paul, and all others that have shown me your personal strength from which I draw from. Shawn U.

. Radio/Erbitex:(35/6.) .6/13 RSSC with met.to left neck.9/11/13 MND with left tonsil removal.9/18/13 margins failed, .Dx Terminal. 10/22/13 Dx.StageIII Lymphedema. Carboplatin/Taxol, cancer progression,WECF
3/14/2014 given 2 weeks, 3 maybe. All the veins in my head are slowly leakinging due to Ehlers Danlos syndrome. lucky thing is that my spinal fluid leaking out my nose is slowing the build up of pressure in my huge, huge head. you would not believe.