Well, it has been 11 days since my last RadTx. I went to my monthly ENT last Wednesday, and he said that he could not see anything bad (or good) since my tongue had the layer of dead skin on it, like the back of my throat. He said it should slough off by the time of my next months appointment. I told him I could take one swallow of water ok, but the second swallow kind of chokes me. He said that the first time is normal, and when you swallow the dead skin all bunches up in your throat and that is why I can't swallow the second time right after the first swallow. He said that it will improve later. He did pull the scope our of my nose very gently this time and my nose Did NOT bleed. Yahoo!

I am not doing much, not in much pain, just sleeping and trying to do somethings, read, Less TV, computer, putter around.

Coughing up the mucus still and thick saliva a lot. Sleeping ok at night. Still little weak and napping a bit. I expect to not go back to my job till January, but I am ready Now, (if it weren't for the coughing and spitting) wink

When the dead skin on my throat and tongue sloughs off, will the new skin be ok or will it be painful?

large lymph node Left Neck around May 22 2012
ENT June 6, did needle Biopsy - Negative
ENT CT scan July 9 - Negative
Remove lymph node July 26, DX - SSC - T1N2aM0
PET Aug 7, BOT
Aug 14, endoscopy, 1cm - clear margin HPV+
TX 33 IMRT - 6 Chemo - Taxol/Carboplatin
TX chemo 09/04/12 RAD 09/05/12