1 more chemo and 5 rads to go. feeling bad. mouth dry, nose stopped up (and from bleeding). My nose bleeds then drys then I blow and can breathe, then stops up.. MO gave me steriods to help keep the nose from stopping up and I am taking sudafed at night so I can breathe through my nose and not my mouth. When I breathe through my mouth, I wake up, as it is dry and painful.
On thephenal patches, they help the throat but not much else (back head)...
I can barley choke down the jevity but still swallowing it and water, with the help of magic mouthwash.

I just get up, shower, eat (drink), take nap, lay around, drive to RAD, come home, read (some) lay around, go to bed.

But I will be through this Friday!

large lymph node Left Neck around May 22 2012
ENT June 6, did needle Biopsy - Negative
ENT CT scan July 9 - Negative
Remove lymph node July 26, DX - SSC - T1N2aM0
PET Aug 7, BOT
Aug 14, endoscopy, 1cm - clear margin HPV+
TX 33 IMRT - 6 Chemo - Taxol/Carboplatin
TX chemo 09/04/12 RAD 09/05/12