66 greys is total.
I had a fever Sunday and call the MO office and it was 100.5, they said take advil/tylenol and if it goes down and does not spike then I should be ok because I have a MO appointment Monday afternoon. (I choked on a pill Saturday and thought I may have asphyxiated pneumonia)
I went Rad Monday and the doc there checked me out and he said prob. not pneumonia, prob from sores and blisters in mouth, slight infection. I told him the MO was going to do x-ray.
RO was correct, the MO did x-ray and not pneumonia, also the MO said since I had only 4 RAD left and I have already done 6 chemos, he said I didn't need the last chemo. (I was feeling very dehydrated and I really felt bad). So I said OK!. He suggested I stay for a bag of fluids, but I wanted to go home a sleep, so I said no, and when home and put almost a liter of water in my stomach tube and within about 10mins felt a whole lot better.
Now I can barley swallow water, but I am doing it, and putting water in my tube a lot.
Don't know how I would get anything in without the tube.

large lymph node Left Neck around May 22 2012
ENT June 6, did needle Biopsy - Negative
ENT CT scan July 9 - Negative
Remove lymph node July 26, DX - SSC - T1N2aM0
PET Aug 7, BOT
Aug 14, endoscopy, 1cm - clear margin HPV+
TX 33 IMRT - 6 Chemo - Taxol/Carboplatin
TX chemo 09/04/12 RAD 09/05/12