Thanks for all the advise, I seem to have lost about 5 pounds so far. Still eating a little and drinking lots of water. Drinking the Jevity but my RAD OC said I will be using the peg soon and should use it.
Good news? He cut my TX down from 35 to 33.

large lymph node Left Neck around May 22 2012
ENT June 6, did needle Biopsy - Negative
ENT CT scan July 9 - Negative
Remove lymph node July 26, DX - SSC - T1N2aM0
PET Aug 7, BOT
Aug 14, endoscopy, 1cm - clear margin HPV+
TX 33 IMRT - 6 Chemo - Taxol/Carboplatin
TX chemo 09/04/12 RAD 09/05/12