Hey Mickey,
Friday marked my halfway point also. I have 17 rads and two more chemos left. I have my second chemo scheduled Monday. I dread it so bad. The rads have given me a light burn on the outside of my neck, losing my beard and two large patches of hair on the back of my neck. I have been blessed to not be in pain yet. I am suffering through the mucous though. It is so bad and thick and this point I wake up in the middle of the night and have a gag reflex that causes me to get sick.
I have a PEG and have only used it one time yesterday. I have just gone through every type of soup or stew there is out there and eating has become such a chore. I've lost close to 30lbs already.
My doctor advised that I was at about 10% of the total toxicity the rads would cause......thanks for the honesty.
According to him, now is when the real deal is about to set in.

I'm focusing on making it through next week after the chemo. If I can do that I think I will be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Hope you do well and hope work goes well for you.

Age 35, Former smoker/drinker HPV+
Ear Ache 5/12
GP for ear ache 6/18
ENT for ear ache 7/12
CT shows cancer 7/12
Biopsy 8/12
diagnosed SCC
Base of tongue right side
Barely crossed midline
Nodes involved
PEG 9/12
35 IMRT start Sept 6th
Cisplastin x3 1 down 2 to go