Hang in there Jamos, Mickey AND hockey dad...I too start rad/chemo on Monday and will do my best to EAT and drink what I can when I can. Have to say though really REALLY scared about how this will all play out. Hard to think that your mouth and throat will hurt so bad you can't get soup or water down. I already drink 48-52 ounces of water everyday and hopefully can keep that up. Hard to think I'll need 2500 - 3000 calories a day! That's a huge amount and if it's all liquid I can see how that will be a challenge in itself. I know protein is key in recovery so we have already stocked up on Ensure and Boost and Special K protein drinks. Those are to bad but if you haven't tried the new Ensure "water" Don't! It is awful! Even after mixing it with regular water it taste pretty darn bad. Guess it could in the feeding tube since you don't taste it and it gives you 10 grams of protein. Good luck everyone!

Female 47 former smoker (quit in 1986), very light drinker. 1st diag 8/1/11. Surgery 9/6/11 SCC L BOT Tongue T1N0MO stage II w/partial gloss with no rad or chemo follow up. Recur 8/16/12 T1N1M0 - stage III. Neck dissection surgery 8/29/12 with 35 sessions of rad and 6 chemo beginning 10/8/12.