Simon had induction chemo followed by Radiation with Erbitux. He would tell you that the induction chemo had it's moments but was very manageable. It was the radiation (maybe in conjunction with the Erbitux) that knocked him about.
He didn't have a port, and probably should have. I don't remember anyone suggesting it. He had a PEG, didn't want to get it, but his treatment team gave him no choice. It was put in before radiation started and he says he couldn't have gotten through without it.

Brother 49yo DX 22/6/11 Tonsil SCC HPV+ Stage IV T4N1(?)M0. Carbo/docetaxel (Taxotere)19/7, 11/8 (with E-tux), 1/9; E-tux 11/8, 25/8, 15/9, 30/9, 14/10, 28/10; IMRT X 35 (70gy tumour;63gy nodes;56gy gen area) 19/9-4/11/11. Clear PET scan 1/2/12. 1 and 2 year post treatment checks good.