Thank you all for the information. It's really given me a lot to think about. I'm not sure if I was misleading in using the word "options." The doctors explained the 3 types of treatments, one being surgery. They are recommending starting with chemo first because the tumors in the lymph are so large. They want to get them reduced as much as possible. My understanding is if they are smaller it is less likely for other areas in the mouth/neck/ears etc to be damaged in the process. We are going to a top notch cancer facility in our area. The radiologist, oncologist and ENT discuss their findings with each other and agree on a treatment plan. I guess what it boils down to is to hit it hard and agressive from the get go, or slow and steady? I'd like another opinion but my husband is happy with the plan. That's why I've turned to you all who have lived through it.

Diane-wife to Paul, age 55
DX 9/17/12
HPV/SCC/BOT Stage 4a
Non-smoker/casual drinker
Otherwise healthy
9/24/12 Cisplatin, Taxotere,5-FU - 3x
12/3/12 Rad x 35/Carboplatin x 3
1/15/13 DVT upper thigh
Passed away 1/23/13