As most have already said, everyone responds differant. I had a much easier time than most....luck, genes who knows. But like David CPA, I found the last week of treatment and 2 weeks post treatment the most difficult. In hindsight, I should have drank more water and gotten more calories those last few weeks. ( I did not have a peg).That being said after the 2 weeks post treatment, each day there was improvement in everything and for me it came rather quickly. Although as time goes by some of the details seem to fade away. 3 years out I am at 97% and have almost no side effects. Once in a while I will eat something that seems to taste differant than I remember, occansionaly some ringing in the ears and some neck stiffness but overall I feel great. You can get through this and be for your know it the bad stuff will just be a fader memory. The key is to follow the advice of these posters and learn what to do and not to do. Good luck in your fight.

Bill Van Horn-53 ex-smoker, social drinker, Biopsy 8/24, Diagnosed 8/30/07 BOT T2N2-B MX Stage IV. Started treatments 10/1/07. IMRT 35 x, Cisplatin - 3 cycles - completed treatment 11/16/07. CT Scans on 1/15/08 all clear Selective neck dissection 1/28/08. All nodes clear.