yes i know what it is. he made sure to clarify by telling us to set up hospice asap. i guess we're just hoping by seeing a different doctor this week we'll get some more hopeful news

the dr at duke told us he could do surgery but theres only have a 20% survival rate - assuming she really does have dermal metastases. our thoughts were, "AND?!" if there is an option for surgery to remove this we are gonna take it. someone has had to of survived for there to be the 20%

my mom, age 59.

12/08 surgery & 33x rad
4/09 recurrence
5/09 surgery & 35x rad
12/09 recurrence
1/10 surgery. peg tube, trach, fibula free flap
6/10 recurrence. double chemo treatments.
8/10/10 finally at peace in heaven