Lucky for us, I just live one town over. Her house is only 20 minutes away. I teach Kindergarten at a charter school and we are out on our summer break (6 weeks). Needless to say, I plan to be here at her house for a while. My husband is so good to us - hes been here right along with me, making the extra commute to work..going to Dr. appointments with us. She told me last night as I lay in her bed with her to go back home this weekend..that I needed to feel some normalcy. But to me, this is my 'norm' now. I couldnt imagine being at home - Id only be thinking of her anyway and worrying how she is doing.
At the same time it is bittersweet because I feel like I can see every little change in her. Sometimes I think it's better and sometimes it's something getting worse. It's maddening

my mom, age 59.

12/08 surgery & 33x rad
4/09 recurrence
5/09 surgery & 35x rad
12/09 recurrence
1/10 surgery. peg tube, trach, fibula free flap
6/10 recurrence. double chemo treatments.
8/10/10 finally at peace in heaven