Today was a little tougher than yesterday, it's really sinking in I think. My daughter talked with Brian at length and of course our leader made us all feel much better.
We have decided to get second and third opinions from John Hopkins and Dana Farber. Hopkins is about 4 hours from us and I have a brother that lives in Boston, so both places are good locations. I'm also considering Sloan-Kettering. I just know that I want treatment started NOW, I want this out of my body and I want to get on my road to recovery. I have so many things planned for this fall and winter, I'll be damned if this cancer will get in my way

To all of you that have become part of my heart, who have stood by me each time I've been scared or anxious..........pray for me but especially pray for my family. To put it bluntly, I have the easy job in all of this, the most I will have to suffer is dying. My husband and children will have to carry on without me and we are one of those families where mom is the foundation. I get sick to my stomach when I think of my 16 year old crying alone because her mother has died. Morbid I know, but these thoughts need to be dealt with.
I will keep everyone posted, I go for the PET scan tomorrow, they changed it from Friday, and we're praying for it to be clean.