Interestingly, his idea of a second opinion was for us to go talk to the team he would work with locally. His reasoning for us going there was that it would enable him to stay in touch and "help us." He was so confident of the treatment, he just didn't think it mattered to go elsewhere.

What I find worrisome are the folks that take MDs as the final authority and aren't comfortable asking questions or pushing. This guy would be a disaster for them.

We are waiting to hear on the PET scan. This waiting is tough. And his gloomy presentation doesn't help.
It's surreal to look at Dave, see him feeling good (other than the biopsy soreness) and think this is going on.

and for the question of the day:

I noticed in a thread that some folks were saying that the MRI might be more accurate than the PET. I'm wondering because the MD said the PET was what would really determine things clearly. For example, the MRI only showed node involvement on one side but he said the PET was clearer and might show involvement on both sides.

Last edited by SusanW; 02-16-2010 06:53 PM.

CG to Spouse BOT, Chemo and radiation started on March 29,2010
Ended on May 14,2010. LET THE HEALING BEGIN!!!