Thanks Charm, I really admire your attitude. I'm trying to just stay focused on getting the correct care. Just talking to the staff of the MD we are trying to get a consult from made me feel better.
Does the size of the tumor matter? when I was looking at the staging stuff it said up to 2 centimeter was stage 1,etc. I know that's not all they take into account(for example I'm guessing node involvement automatically puts you in stage 4. Yes?). But I took it to mean the size of it is important. Dr doom and gloom also said the location was bad because it was on the base. I'm guessing because it's harder to get to? I just stopped asking questions because his way of responding is so negative and I don't totally trust his responses. I much prefer to come here and wait to talk to a different MD.
He also said it is standard for people to get surgery, radiation and chemo. But looking at people's signatures here I noticed a variety. Do you think by standard he meant for base of tongue?
CG to Spouse BOT, Chemo and radiation started on March 29,2010 Ended on May 14,2010. LET THE HEALING BEGIN!!!