Theresa, I can easily sign up for 12 freak outs a day. cry

So, here's my two questions of the day(like you guys believe it will only stay at 2).

Are there people who have had clavical node involvement and not had it spread into the lungs, chest,etc. Or is it pretty much a given if it's there it has spread (that was pretty much what the MD said).

Day of dx officially was yesterday. We have had biopsy, MRI and PET is today. Appt for Sloan is a week from Tuesday(unless with Brian's help we can move it up).
Our GP recommemded that we also see a local team for an opinion. Dave seems to want to wait to see what the Sloan guy says. That makes sense to me since the other place isn't a cancer care center which is what everyone here seems to recommend and Sloan is.

CG to Spouse BOT, Chemo and radiation started on March 29,2010
Ended on May 14,2010. LET THE HEALING BEGIN!!!