Ok! Time for an update.

The colonoscopy went fine (that was interesting......), they found a small 12mm nodule in an odd location and it didn't look like 'normal' colon cancer, they took a biopsy, and confirmed that it is the same SCC that I have had all along. This is a somewhat surprising result (to see a head/neck cancer appear in this location), but there you have it. This could be easily removed by 'keyhole surgery' but for now they've chosen to hold that option in reserve.

The good news is this didn't kick me out of the trial, and I started GDC-0980 on 15 January with a single dose and lots of monitoring and tests, this went fine, and then a week later, on 22 January I started taking it daily.

So far so good! I've had no side-effects to note (other than feeling hungry due to the fasting requirements; one hour before and two hours after each dose).

Maybe a slight twinge of nausea, but not even sure about that, and this could be simply the fasting.

Time will tell if side effects come on, and if this drug helps me, but so far so good!


47 yr old male non-smoker, social drinker, fit. Jan'10, Stg3 rt tonsil+rt neck SCC, HPV+, rad+chmo Vancouver Cda. 2yr clear Apr'12 London UK. Apr'13 mets recur to lymph btw left lung & aorta, 3x Cisplatin+5FUchemo+20 rad, was all clear but 6-mo PET-CT shows mets to pleura around left lung, participating in St 1 trial of GDC-0980. GDC lost effect and ended July'14, bad atrial fibrillation requiring hospitalisation, start more standard chemo 10 Sep 2014.
Sadly has passed away, notified Jan 2015.