Hi Cheryl,

They've not biopsied it yet, but will on the day I start the trial, so worst case if it was miraculously not cancer I would only have had one dose of the drug before this would be known.

But I'm not *that* optimistic! My PET scan was, shall we say, fairly dramatic, showing dark 'sugar uptake' in about ten areas around the *outside* of my left lung, in the pleural lining. And I do have some pain that fits the notion of something bad going on in there, although this is minor at this point. They can't think what else it could possibly be. That said, it's not changed much in the subsequent 6 weeks (baseline PET scan for the trial) which is also a bit of a surprise (in a good way, I think).

All will become clear in time.

Or not.

But hey.

Thank you for sharing the other friend's story - very interesting.


47 yr old male non-smoker, social drinker, fit. Jan'10, Stg3 rt tonsil+rt neck SCC, HPV+, rad+chmo Vancouver Cda. 2yr clear Apr'12 London UK. Apr'13 mets recur to lymph btw left lung & aorta, 3x Cisplatin+5FUchemo+20 rad, was all clear but 6-mo PET-CT shows mets to pleura around left lung, participating in St 1 trial of GDC-0980. GDC lost effect and ended July'14, bad atrial fibrillation requiring hospitalisation, start more standard chemo 10 Sep 2014.
Sadly has passed away, notified Jan 2015.