Jim also liked being held down by the mask if I read right....lol

David, I agree. It is hard for a person to understand what another is going through, unless they have been through it themselves. Or has spent time talking and studying cancer patients. MD's treat the physical illness, not so much the psychological effects that come from the cancer. Who's to say what another person needs to get through the day or treatments.
No matter what the background.

Best wishes, luck and many blessings,

Dx: SCC lateral tongue April 09, Stage T1M0N0
PET scan clear April 09
Partial glossectomy April 09, no carcinoma present
IMRT started 7/9/09, finished 8/26/09
PEG inserted 7/30/09
PEG removed 9/25/09
ER Nurse

Keep the rubber side down....