I was wondering where to buy it and Margaret magically answered my questione. Thanks! Next stop Walgreens!!!! Jeff is okay. Radiation is making him tired and his jaw and teeth now hurt. He finally threw in the towel today and officially shut down business. Thank goodness for that. The disability check came today. Not much $ but a little something to help. Hang on.. here we go...


Jeff age 49 DX 5/8/09 Tonsil cancer T2N2BMO. Tonsillectomy 5/14/09. TX: Cisplatin 3x's every 21 days w/ 33 Rad concurrent. 2-3 nodes on right neck affected. PEG 7/10/09. Chemo/rad start 6/12/9, TX finished 7/28/09. Extended TX
3 more chemo/Cisplatin/5FU/Docetaxil start 9/11, Clean PET 10/29/09.