Beumer was recommended for second opinion by Steve Lee (radiation oncologist) at UCLA. He was also recommended by the radiation department at Cedars Sinai.

And I think it makes sense for me to get a second opinion from someone who actually looks in my mouth, etc. to see what my situation is. My dentist is not going to simply ignore the instructions he was given.

Also, I would still need a max prosthedontist on my side for doing advanced work. From what I understand, the average dentist is not qualified to do extractions or other advanced work on post-radiation patients.

So if you know anyone who can give me a good referral for this, I'm all ears.

Anyway, I appreciate all the responses I get here. I realize I am asking a lot of questions, but I'm just plain scared. And that's why I'm trying to cover the bases.



Last edited by Andrew111; 06-12-2009 10:19 AM.

Squamous cell carcinoma base of tongue. Lymph involvement unclear; staging placed at "2 or 3." Biopsy 4/18/2008. Treatment: IMRT every day for 7 weeks. Cisplaten once a week to sensitize cancer to radiation. Treatment ended 7/16/08. PET/CT shows no more cancer.