I am having a very rough time here getting to see another person for a second opinion. My radiation oncologist is not returning my calls. Two cancer centers I called use the same prosthedonist I see. A third one refused to talk to me without a doctor referral. A fourth one told me they never heard dental care with tongue cancer treatment, and could not help me. I also called a radiation oncologist at UCLA, and he told me to contact their Beumer Center. SPOHNC told me the same thing. (I'm in Los Angeles). But when I contacted the Beumer Center, I was told they are not taking new prosthedontist patients. And I don't want to go straight to the phone book. I want to find someone who routinely works with oral cancer treatment post care.

I am going to keep trying, but it is not easy. I have been so sick for so long it is hard for me to just type this message. Hard for me to make phone calls. If anyone has some ideas, please let me know. The only idea I have now is trying to contact Dr. Beumer directly and asking his advice.

Squamous cell carcinoma base of tongue. Lymph involvement unclear; staging placed at "2 or 3." Biopsy 4/18/2008. Treatment: IMRT every day for 7 weeks. Cisplaten once a week to sensitize cancer to radiation. Treatment ended 7/16/08. PET/CT shows no more cancer.