Hmmn. My prothodonist who specializes in head and neck cancer after specific training at Sidney Kimmel CCC has only done regular cleanings with his ultrasound. But I don't know how deep he went. Let us know what you find out so I can see what he thinks. I love his panoramic X ray- no sharp cardboard squares to poke my tender mouth, even if I could open wide enough right now. It was fun to see my titanium plate with screws holding the front of my jaw together

65 yr Old Frack
Stage IV BOT T3N2M0 HPV 16+
2007:72GY IMRT(40) 8 ERBITUX No PEG
2008:CANCER BACK Salvage Surgery
25GY-CyberKnife(5) 3 Carboplatin
Apaghia /G button
2012: CANCER BACK -left tonsilar fossa
40GY-CyberKnife(5) 3 Carboplatin

Passed away 4-29-13