I just realized I should get about all of this. Bottom line, I went back to the dentist and told him why I thought he was wrong. I asked him to consider where I would be in 10 years, given my current state of bone loss. And then compare that to the risk of infection from cleaning. I also asked him to consider the fact that the research he was citing was old, and that research trends are not meant to be used on a case by case basis.

Bottom line, he immediately referred me to a cancer-literate periodontist. And later referred me to a cancer-literate endontist. Both of them told me that the 2mm thing is out-dated thinking. I also found out I should have had a cleaning before treatment, something I had asked about, but the treatment place told me not to.

Squamous cell carcinoma base of tongue. Lymph involvement unclear; staging placed at "2 or 3." Biopsy 4/18/2008. Treatment: IMRT every day for 7 weeks. Cisplaten once a week to sensitize cancer to radiation. Treatment ended 7/16/08. PET/CT shows no more cancer.