I am enjoying myself -- Even talked the Cutthroat Team in the AM into letting me pull the last drain after one of them removed the sutures -- More difficult than I thought, but it was the last one and had been in there for a while -- Then two of them ganged up on me and removed the 40 wire staples... Getting good at cleaning the trach cannula.

I just realized there is a very positive benefit to having PEG installed before the major surgery -- They didn't put in naso-gastric tubes!! I especially don't miss the one with the three sutures through my scepula!

Age 67 1/2
Ventral Tongue SCC T2N0M0G1 10/05
Anterior Tongue SCC T2N0M0G2 6/08
Base of Tongue SCC T2N0M0G2 12/08
Three partial glossectomy (10/05,11/05,6/08), PEG, 37 XRT 66.6 Gy 1/06
Neck dissection, trach, PEG & forearm free flap (6/08)
Total glossectomy, trach, PEG & thigh free flap (12/08)
On August 21, 2010 at 9:20 am, Pete went off to play with the ratties in the sky.