Thank you so much, Bill. I appreciate your offer, and your sharing. I think Jesse is not really seeing "what's wrong with this picture" partly because he is or at least seems to be oblivious to anything besides what affects him directly, and partly because I don't want to put any demands on him right now. But the experiences and advice everyone has shared with me have helped me sort through my anxiety, as in responses to prior posts, it is always a comfort to hear from so many caring individuals on this board who understand and have so much to offer.

I am coming to understand that while voicing expectations may create friction, that is life and living it. Not voicing them and sitting back waiting for change usually doesn't work, takes no effort, and could be construed as lack of interest. I have every hope that our relationship will get stronger, and will be working in that direction. As you all can relate, there is an underlying urgency to get things right, as if you are going to run out of time, or worse, as if you are wasting time on the bad, when everything should be good. The answer, I guess, is relishing every moment-- bad and good. That's a tall order! My hope for everyone is to find some comfort (even if it's just a smidge) in some part of every day and use it as strength to move forward. Maybe not such a tall order...

Michele, caregiver to husband, Jesse, SCC diagnosed 1/5/06 unknown primary, lf neck mass >6 cm. Chemo (Cisplatin 2x; Carboplatin & Taxol 2x) & XRT radiation 39X ending 4/4/06. Rad neck dissection 8.5 hrs 4/13/06. 30 HBO treatments Fall 2006.