Please tell your wife I need Botox forthe frown lines between my eyes. My skin is fine and almost wrinkle free which for a 60 years old is pretty good if you ask me. My hair aint gray either. Must be a good gene floating around in my family somewhere. hahahahaha

My treatment was cancelled today due to the hydrolic bed beinbg out of whack. I guess I am luck though to go all this time and this being the first really bad maching breakdown. Week before last the machine was down but it only was a 20 minute delay which wasn't all the bad I didn't think.

Now I am going to have to find out how much my treatments are or I will go nuts. Maybe one of the guys there knows. I will ask them tomorrow. I ask them everything so I doubt it will surprise any of them. TG for insurance. eek

Well I am tired again. Blah. Ready for bed at 2 in the afternoon. Pretty sad. I need to put that Miles stuff on the inside of my lip too and hopefully it works and takes some of the discomfort out of it.

God bless,

[i]"The artist, a traveler on this earth, leaves behind imperishable traces of his being." -Fran