Well I am glad to hear your company picks up the slack. Health insurance if a must these days. My friend lives in Denmark and health care is free and so is education. Thing is taxes are around 40% of your income I believe she said, I'll have to ask her again to make sure, and sometimes you have to wait months to see a doctor unless its an emergency.

Her mother was visiting there from N.Y. a couple months ago and ate lobster and went into shock. She took her to emergency and they wouldn't even treat her until my friend drove home and grabbed her credit card since her mom was not a resident. It could be worse for us I recon.

Gary to tell you the truth my skin is only painful when it dries out, right before treatment mainly, since I have to take the Vigilon pad off. As long as I am slathered with cream and have a pad opn its really tolerable. If it ever goes over my threshold I will definately ask for the dope. laugh

I wish my moles would fall off! They are gross looking. I am one of those people who have spent a lifetime taking care of my skin and now these tiny black moles are popping out all over my neck. They must have been there all along just not big enough to see.

Oh well my life is much more important than a mole so let the fun begin! : I am in rare form today even if my ear feels like it have water in it and my neck feels like a tree trunk. hahaahahahaha

God bless us everyone,

[i]"The artist, a traveler on this earth, leaves behind imperishable traces of his being." -Fran