
i think it's extremely unfair that you lost your beard, but I still have to pluck mine!!! However, the hair I lost at the back of my head has grown back, so i should not complain.

I had an earache of and on for a month after the radiation treatment. It never got really bad, and my ENT said it was nothing to worry about, although he did take a lot of time studying my ears with his little light. - I also actually had a vaginal infection at the same time I had thrush, all part of the same misery...
You know, moles do get darker when you get a suntan or burn, so I expect it's the same thing, and they'll probably turn lighter again when your neck heals.
Your venting reminded me of my whining messages last year, and how wonderful it was to hear from others who had survived the same thing. I am amazed at anybody, included myself, who can live through the treatments, returning day after day to be tortured, and even remaining grateful to all those people who developed the treatments, so we can live through all this, and survive. And the nurses, who try their best to be gentle and respectful while they torture us.

And then there are some nurses who shouldn't be. What are they thinking about???

scc right tonsil T1N1M0, right tonsillectomy + modified neck dissection 3/04, radiation IMRT both sides X33 ended 6/04.
Also had renal cell carcinoma, left kidney removed 11/04