I am back once again. As soon as I removed the jelly wrap my neck dried up and got stiff. One laid me on the table while the other one held my head straight. Infortunately the ulcer has begun to develop. Its about the size of a half dollar now. I hope it does not get to big. What I hate is the mask goes right on top of it. Ugh.

I only have the pain when the gel thing is off. They gave me 8 more packs today. I cut them in half and each piece lasts 2 days so that means I have 32 days worth TG. If not for those things I would be in a drugged state 24/7 I can assure you of that.

I have liquid Hydrocodone right now and Ambien to sleep. Also Xanax to take if I start to get an anxiety attack and of course my Zantak 150 for my ulcer in my gut. I have muscle relaxants also for my disc disease but there is no way I am taking that with everything else right now. I just keep trying to hold off on the pain meds cause they make me sick as a cow. Today I did 2 minutes of meditation on the table before they put the mask on so it helped. I love them guys. They give me more hugs I swear.

I love you guys too and Karen I am so thankful the humidity is gone for a spell. It was terrible those two days. Whoooo.


[i]"The artist, a traveler on this earth, leaves behind imperishable traces of his being." -Fran