I had these tiny moles on my neck which were barely noticible and now they are black! There seem to be more and more of them too. I hope they go away but I bet not. Just another crappy cancer thing. mad

OMG you poor man! My insurance is through the USPS as an annuitant from my late husband. That would be civil service. It costs me $140.00 a month. If he were alive it would be around $45.00 a month. Go figure. frown My generic meds are $10.00 and then the formulary is $20.00 and the non-formulary is $30.00 All my X-rays, scans, doctors, surgery and radiation treatments are paid in full. The meds they give me there such as the Biafine and the Vigilon pads are paid in full also.

I paid the ENT $10.00 for the first apointment and that was it other than the Miles, the cortisone, the Ambian and the Hydrocodone. The Xanax is from my primary care doctor.

I am never complaining again! eek Now what is this thing that my ear is hurting. Feels stopped up like it has water in it. Only one ear..the left one. frown

[i]"The artist, a traveler on this earth, leaves behind imperishable traces of his being." -Fran