Barb, you amaze me! I find it very encouraging that you are able to be up and around. But, Please sleep when you need to and cry if you want. I slept the whole time during radiation. I assume it was the drugs and pregnancy that caused me to be so tired. Don't worry what others think if you are in bed or if you are crying. You need some type of outlet for your emotions. And if you don't mind taking more medications your Radiation oncologist will prescribe an antidepressant. Of course, I couldn't take one because of the baby ( I don't understand that though, I was taking so many pain meds and going through radiation what was one more drug!)
Take care and get some rest there will be plenty of time afterwards to do anything you want. Mary

Dx June 2004 stage III right tonsil 1 node involved, 70 radiation tx completed 08/20/04, no chemo or surgery, 32 years old and 26 weeks pregnant at dx and tx. & non-smoker and non-drinker