Oh man I didn't know antibiotics would cause thrush. UGH! It must be like the vaginal infection you can get from taking a stron antibiotic for another infection. Geeze what a two edged sword. frown

I think Dr. Levy better have plenty of time for me Monday because I certainly have a lot of questions for him this week. Oh well I am lucky I never had to go to the Barrett Center though I have read many good things about it even from the BDS site and some friends who were treated there I feel glad to be in the Kenwood rad center.

Sorry I am rambling on. I am taking extra care of my skin this weekend. Treating it with kid gloves so to speak. I really do not want to "break" with only a week and 1 more day of treatment.

Oh gosh Gary. Cancer stinks. I guess the rad goes everywhere in our necks is why you got the small infections huh? Now is this Diflucan perscription? Seems like every time they give me a script its a "formulary or non-formulary" and costs me more money as my co-pay goes up if its not generic. frown I am lucky to have insurance and I will never complain again everytime they raise my premiums so I am shutting up now.

Love you all,

[i]"The artist, a traveler on this earth, leaves behind imperishable traces of his being." -Fran