I must be just having a really bad weekend. I keep thinking of you, Ed, anyway, and wonder how anyone could work along with this crap. I finally made it through all the radiation and chemo, but feel so terrible at the moment that if the surgeon wanted to book the neck dissection, I'd have to say "Wait a minute" My poor body is just weary. It's been two weeks since I've had a conversation that involves speaking. I can't remember when I was last out in public outside of the cancer center. I'm sick of trying to get six cans of food down a PEG and not throwing it all back up. Sleeping is terrible. I did celebrate a victory today of not needing any sort of medicine or suppository for a bathroom trip.

I'm not even sure when I'll hear how I'm faring in this battle, but for the past three months I can tell I've done nothing but wage war on cancer. :::sigh::: I'm just so tired and strung out. I think I'm dehydrated because my fingers are getting pruney looking. Even when I put water in my PEG it will come out via the mouth.

I'm so grateful to all of you who post and keep us going. Before I give up completely, I'm going to try to buck up one last time to get over the last hurdle.

I don't know where I'd be without this forum.
