Cindy - LOVE that idea.

Jen - look at it this way, at least you know what kind of person she really is and can cut her out of your life. I learned a lot about people and friends when I was sick - who I could depend on and who I couldn't. It changed my life for the better.

When I was first diagnosed, I was spending hours and hours and hours on the phone with doctors and at doctors appointments. People were randomly emailing me little questions or leaving voicemails. I'd respond to them as fast as I could. Then my mother-in-law calls me AT WORK, in the middle of juggling work and the doctors, to complain. Yes, she was pissed off that her sister and daughter knew answers to questions she didn't know. My first thought was "Hello, honey, this BELIEVE IT OR NOT is something NOT ABOUT YOU! You're right, my objective in all this is to make sure you're left out."
I said it before, I'll say it again. People just don't get it.
Again - I laugh at the story now. Hang in there, the laughter will come.
