Jen, I often said that days after treatment could be more difficult than those during treatment because the side effects are cumulative. I also lost my voice for about 3 weeeks and gradually recovered. Since I didn't have neck dissection or PEG tube, my reaction might be different.The maximum dose of radiation (48 times) and 4 rounds of cisplatin led to the complete loss of my saliva. I could still whisper and swallow. After treatment, I kept my appetite and the taste didn't completely disappear. I only lost my sweet taste bud and it has never returned.Things could still get worse for a while but you will turn the corner soon. No one can tell you exactly when because we react very differently. For me, I suffered from depression when I was 3 months post treatment. So I needed a further 3 months to recover from my mental illness. From diagnosis to my cure, back to my previous job, it took me about 8 months. Be patient and be strong, you will soon get out of the tunnel.


Karen stage 4B (T3N3M0)tonsil cancer diagnosed in 9/2001.Concurrent chemo-radiation treatment ( XRT x 48 /Cisplatin x 4) ended in 12/01. Have been in remission ever since.