Rosie, I have sent you messages before about your strength and how hard it must have been with Heather. But, I think it would be a good idea to go back to work, even if part time. I find that work is a great distraction for me. It gets my mind off of the sadness, suffering of my mother, and fear....IT makes me feel better. I encourage you to do something, anything that can help you, even if a hobby that you enjoy.

CIndy, as I told you in a private message, the treatment is survivable although hard. Please try to stay in school, if you can handle it. It is a good distraction for you as well. It will be worth it in the long run. Hang in there Cindy and I agree with Rosie, that you will be stronger through this. Each day that goes by, I find myself handling things iwth my mom that I thought I could never handle. The thought of losing my mom is the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with. She is my best friend and has always been tehre for me. Now, she cant talk, eat and is in so much pain, my heart aches all day long for her, wishiing I could do something. The only relief I seem to get is doing things i enjoy and work, they are great distractions.

I will pray for you and Rosie. I know this is not easy for any of us in this forum.

God Bless

Stephany.Daughter of mother who passed away 3/26/05 from Recurrent Gum Squamous Cell Carcinoma. She had 3 surgeries, and 6 weeks radiation, and then passed due to infection. I miss her very much. She was 65 years young when she passed. Love you Mom!