Dear Michelle,

Bless your heart....I know exactly what you are feeling. My husband is in remission from throat cancer, but I lost my Mom in a span of 12 days to liver/pancreatic cancer.

Cancer is, unfortunately, exactly what you are experiencing. It's a HORRIBLE disease that literally eats the life out of it's victims. For the most part, they are vibrant, loving, beautiful people who suddenly discover they are losing to an enemy that they never saw coming.

Yes...........none of us are perfect. Maybe we smoked...maybe we drank wine with dinner....but none of us thought an out of control bastard mutation was going to dictate our destiny.

And, most importantly, nobody ever taught us how to say good-bye to the people we love most when the monster wins.

It's hard baby. I won't pretend that it's easier than it is. But, you have to be strong. Your sister needs to feel your strength now, so she can let go. In saying good-bye to Mama, just recalling the fun times seemed to make her the happiest.

Jobs come and go..........shit! We need to realize that nothing matters but love!

When did somebody declare that a piece of green paper was more important? And if your employer can't see the importance of you being by her bedside, than I'm sure all of us can send a letter of protest.

Be there honey.........she needs you.


Husband diagnosed with stage III tonsil and floor of mouth cancer in August 2002. Three rounds of chemo/42 RAD treatments. Upper right lung lobectomy in March 2003. (Benign)