
The nurses told us that her face and tongue
are so swollen because the tumors in her face are getting so big that her lymphatic channels are not working. There is nothing they can do. I can't believe a person just has to be eaten alive by cancer, that is what is happening to my precious little sister. She said it feels like she could put her finger right through the tumor under her chin and it would come through the floor of her mouth. She is trying to be so strong, she prays for miracles everyday. She wants her life back..and so do I.
I don't know what I will do without her. How do you move on when you lose the most important person in your life?
I have to go back to work next week. I'm not sure what we are going to do yet. I wish I didn't need money so I could be with her everyday, even though it is so stressful. Also my boyfriend whom I live with just doesn't seem to understand it all very well.
Thank you for being there and listening..
God bless us all.....

Michelle, sister to Marcy
Dx January 03, partial glossectomy/selective neck dissection T2N1MO/recurrence June 03, radiation and chemo/recurrence Dec. 03 mets to spine and base of skull//palliative care//lost her April 10th 2004 Age of 32