I didn't hesitate to tell people. Weather you have cancer or not you'll probably benefit from the support you get. It is a wonderful experience to know how many people will come to help even if it is only a kind word. If it turns out that it is not cancer (I hope and pray) Then you can rejoice with them.

Part of life is to share with others good and bad. It is how we gain depth, understanding and compassion.

I have not told this next experience to very many people but here goes:

During one of my darkest times when the stress of the cancer thing was about to break me (I mean bad) I suddenly was overcome by a most welcome peace, the stress just evaporated and I felt really good. I found out several weeks later that the very time I was feeling this, a group of people, I mostly didn't even know, were praying for me (it was a relative and a group from her church 800 miles away.) Amazing things are possible when people put their hearts into it.

Take care.

Mark, 21 Year survivor, SCC right tonsil, 3 nodes positive, one with extra-capsular spread. I never asked what stage (would have scared me anyway) Right side tonsillectomy, radical neck dissection right side, maximum radiation to both sides, no chemo, no PEG, age 40 when diagnosed.