Okay- Reading your reply's, I am very upset. I need for everyone to know that I HAVE KIDS that NO ONE is responsible for them BUT ME AND MY HUSBAND!! I have people who will help, but not EVERYDAY for me to drive that far. I am not rich, cannot afford to drive back and forth daily, much less stay there for however many weeks to have treatment. I COULD NEVER leave my kids for overnight (unless things were out of my control) and I could never expect them to stay somewhere with me for weeks at a time. I bet that everyone who said they would drive an hour everyday (in my case it would be 1 and 1/2 hours each way) does not have children that they are directly responsible for. If I were married with no children, I would travel anywhere to get this treatment, but that is not a reality at all for me. So, with that said, please understand where I am coming from. (Danny, I realize that you understand and thanks) Like I said in my previous postings, if I do not get the answers that I want on 5/8 (thurs), I will definitely have to go to MSK, but for now, I have to think positively that they can treat me successfully here. Sorry if you (anyone) does not agree with my decision. I came to this site to gain knowledge, but also for support, and I feel that I am getting less support right now. If you do not agree with what my plans are, no matter how much you think you are helping me by telling me you agree with Brian, please do not post a reply. It is only making matters worse for me in my head, because not only am I not POSITIVE about my diagnosis, but now I am not positive that I am doing the right thing. Hope no one is offended by this posting, but I cannot keep reading these reply's that tell me I am making a bad decision, for myself and my family.