Okay guys-new problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went to the ENT for my biopsy results today. Thought, hey, finally going to get some answers about this darn sore throat and ear pain. WELL, the ENT said that the report shows B and T cell hyperplasia which is very suspicious for cancer, but is not a clear cut "yes" you have cancer, or "no" you do not. SO, my ENT said he called his "friend", an oncologist and they want me to come in ASAP and bring in the slides of the biopsy so that he can determine what he thinks and where to go from here. Then I had to call the lab where my biopsy was looked at by the pathologist and request that they send the slides to the Oncologists office by FedEx which is overnight, but since the FedEx guy already came before I called, the slides will not go out until Monday and the office will have them on Tues, but not by any specific time. Plus, I work on Tuesday, so it seems that I will have to wait all the way until Weds morning to see this Onco. guy. My ENT said that he thinks it is base of the tounge cancer(and to refresh your memories I am 24 and do not smoke or drink and have 2 kids, a one and two yr. old), but he thinks it is small and just the beginning. He said that when he did the biopsy, the tissue was very abnormal and bled very easily and he thought that with the pain in my ear and the way the lesion looked, it was probably cancer. So, if it is, he said that it is very treatable/curable. Funny thing is that I am not scared if it is cancer, I just want them to treat it already. I wanted to get it started, like, yesterday if you know what I mean. Has anyone else been in a similar situation? I was just thinking that I would have a clear answer today and since I do not, I guess I still won't be able to totally relax. I told the doc, even if you told me it definitely was cancer, I won't be too upset. Just tell me we are going to do something about it right away! Well, I am rambling on. Thanks for listening and I will be back on Weds, maybe before to let you know how things work out. I have learned one thing so far, when dealing with Cancer and all its aspects, you have to be a "patient" patient. smile