Aww Dizz,

I'm sorry to hear all of that. frown

I agree with everyone else. Get yourself some rest. Focus on you, your nutrition and resting right now.

Yes, I do hope they can change your treatments up some to make things easier on you.

You're going through so much, you have every right to be irritable. And I think anyone would be able to understand that. Just tell everyone that you're irritable, and let them know the little things that are irritating you maybe it would help them to be self-aware of the things that they can do to help you out. Let everyone know that you need some down time for meditation and relaxation.

Also you may be able to let your doctor know about it and maybe they can give you some anti-anxiety meds to help you through this. They've offered them Scott a few times but he always asks them can they give them to me instead lol. Of course they can't, unfortunately.😌 But, that might be something that could help you through this with sleeping, anxiety and irritability...

Hugs. Hoping you feel better really soon.


Significant Other diagnosed in May: SCC Right Lateral Tongue , Right Floor of Mouth. Surgery July 30, 2019: Subtotal Glossectomy. Right Mandibulectomy, Extraction of All lower teeth. Removal of Right Lymph nodes; SCC in 4 of 23 Lymph Nodes, Reconstruction using tissue and bone from forearm and tissue from thigh.
Former smoker: 30 years and family h/o Cancer
Radiation began 9/6/19 and chemo 9/11/19.
Finished treatment in October 2019.
Awaiting CT Scan.